If you are like me, you have been told repeatedly that being shorter than average is an insurmountable disadvantage. Grab A Copy Click Here
You've also probably been told that you might as well "get over it"...especially when it comes to attracting women.
After all, overweight guys can lose weight. Bald guys can use Rogaine.
But shorter guys can't become taller.
To top it all off, I'm sure you've been both amazed and discouraged by the lack of resources available to help you counter that kind of bad information.
I'm sure that simply thinking about all of this brings that frustration back all over again.
But I firmly believe you need not feel that sense of frustration ever again.
My name is Scot McKay and I want you to know that I am living proof that you can diffuse the "height issue" completely so that it's no longer a disadvantage.
What's more, I have proven evidence that many women can actually be powerfully compelled to prefer you as a man of short stature over a taller guy...provided you know how to go about making it happen the right way.
Best of all, these amazing secrets and many more can be easily learned and understood today by most any man, resulting in immediate and explosive effects.
Accomplishing this radical transformation in your life involves no deception or trickery whatsoever. Grab A Copy Click Here
It’s all about learning the truth about how your beliefs and behaviors cause you to be perceived by others...and how to make reality work for you instead of against you.
If you are skeptical, it is most certainly because you have been programmed by the opinions of others.
I am here to tell you today that what you have thought was true your entire life about a shorter man's challenges when it comes to attracting women doesn't have to be true at all.
It's really only a matter of learning a few simple, easy-to-understand steps. Once you understand them, you can literally put years or even decades of frustration and humiliation in the rear-view mirror forever.
Look, I realize what you've heard and what you've been through. I've been there myself.
And given what the media leads us to believe about ourselves none of what you are going through is really your fault.
But the fact remains: If you open your eyes to the reality that surrounds you, you'll quickly notice that there really are shorter men out there who are getting some fantastic women. No compromises. And absolutely NO "settling".
It's time you became one of those guys. And you can--much more quickly than you probably think is possible.
Here's the thing.
I have spent countless hours organizing all of the thought processes and field-tested strategies that have caused me (and many of my friends my size and even shorter) to unequivocally conclude that shorter men can eliminate any perceived disadvantage based on shorter stature--while actually causing many, many women to literally favor us over tall men.
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