
The Novel Network Customer Reviews

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The Novel Network is the internet's latest unlimited eBook downloading membership site. We allow our members to access thousands of eBooks, comic books, and newspapers and download them straight to their iPad, Kindle, Nook, or any other eBook reading device or Tablet you may own - without having to pay a cent for any of our downloads!

Even if you just own a PC or a MAC, you can still use The Novel Network to download and read all our digital books.

Members can download thousands of eBooks in a range of genres, including bestsellers, classics, mystery, thriller, crime, romance, fantasy and children's books.

These aren't books by authors you have never heard of. Our network contains bestselling books which are being sold at your local bookstore or on sites like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders and the iTunes iBookstore.

Inside the member's area, you will be able to download thousands of digital books, newspapers and comic books which can be read on your chosen device. We have over 30,000+ titles available for you to download!Grab A Copy Click Here

You will also find tons of bonus member's only material such as online magazines, free satellite TV, wallpapers, apps and more! There are no complex pieces of software involved, just simple direct downloading.

The Novel Network provides access to all the most popular newspapers; The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, The LA Times.

There’s also a huge international selection to choose from, including the UK’s Sun and Guardian, the Times of India and Canada's Toronto Star, among many more.

The Novel Network allows members to download hundreds of superhero, action, manga, anime, and comedy comic books straight to their device! New, weekly releases from Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse are always being added to the member’s area.

By unlimited, we mean UNLIMITED! You are free to download as many eBooks, newspapers, comic books and much more to your device, as many times as you like, and all content is yours to keep forever! You can make copies of your downloads, transfer them to your other devices, and keep them as long as you like! We have no download limits, so you can download as many items as you like, each and every day!
Grab A Copy Click Here

